$97.00 USD

Every month

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We truly believe in the success you will have with our support and your commitment. Because this is a monthly subscription, you simply need to unsubscribe if you are no longer using the membership. Stay as long as you need or leave when you want. No refunds. 

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Authors Collaborative Membership Community

Writers, Coaches & Thought Leaders!

Join a supportive community of writers who are getting their message out, building their businesses, growing their audiences and transforming lives by writing their books together! 


Here's what you'll get:

⭐2 Co-working sessions  every month to grow & nurture your audience 

⭐Weekly writer's circles to give you the space to get work done

⭐Weekly Accountability calls with guided exercises to hone your skills 

⭐Exclusive access to our 5 stage process to step by step success

⭐Monthly Q&A - get customized feedback from 2 professionals to your specific problem  


 This is not a course, so you can never fall behind!   We take you through the 5 stages to success. 


This is for you if you want ....

⭐ more accountability & support

⭐ access to a proven process

 ⭐ to take action on your calling





End the overwhelm and lack of focus and start making progress! And in no time, you will be a published author! 

Just like Netflix, you use it as much as works for you! There is nothing to consume but you have access to everything you will need. 

We KNOW how to bring out your MAGIC and turn it into a book. 

If you show up & do the work, we promise you will get your book written. You set the pace.